The canton of Valais in the spotlight
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Project description

Refurbishing this roof with Freesuns' Solaris™ Heritage tiles was a landmark project for our client, the owner of a building listed as a heritage site by the Canton.

Determined to see this project through, he had to defend his idea fiercely to the relevant authorities, fighting for two long years to obtain the right to re-roof with solar tiles. Located in the heart of a typical Valais village, his house is an architectural gem, bearing witness to the local history.

It was a major challenge, but the story had a happy ending, with the owner able to renovate the roof of his house. The new solar tiles coexist harmoniously with the thermal panels already installed, designed to heat water.

The building in question is old and full of charm, with a unique architectural detail on its façade: a sundial dating back to that period. This feature has been carefully preserved to ensure that its historic character is not lost. The roof renovation, although innovative, respects the authenticity of the site.

The installation of Heritage solar tiles from Freesuns represents a significant step forward, combining respect for heritage with sustainable development. Thanks to the owner's perseverance, the village now has a convincing example of modernity integrated into a historic setting, demonstrating that it is possible to combine tradition and technology for a more sustainable future.
Solaris™ Heritage
Type of project
Type of project
Installed power
Installed power
19.9 kWp
Size of the roof
Size of the roof
147 m2

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